Marisa Nicholle Segovia (she/her/hers) is Mexican, Cherokee, German and Portuguese. I was born and raised in California’s Central Valley - Modesto, California. In 2011, I attended Modesto Junior College and then transferred to California State University Chico. In 2019, I graduated from CSUC with a double major in Fine Arts (Printmaking) and Art Education with a minor in Art History. Since graduating, I have been building a home art studio. This has given me the ability to continue create, experiment and learn.

I draw inspiration from my immediate surroundings - community, inanimate objects, personal history, repetition and relationships with humans. Through my art I elevate the unnoticed, bringing more attention to the beauty and history that these tangible moments hold and represent. I am primarily drawn to glass-working and printmaking, I consistently use a matrix within my work that crosses media boundaries. It is the historical background of these two mediums and the similarities within their processes as to why I am drawn to create with such techniques.